Please rate TrafficRevenue affiliate program. Your opinon and rating of TrafficRevenue will other webmaster help to decide to use this program. You can also leave comment on TrafficRevenue program and rate it.
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TrafficRevenue is a new generation PTP/CPM/XML affiliate program. They are paying for all US,CA and West Europe traffic sources that you provide to them. You can choose from many traffic delivery methods: Paid-to-Promote link, you can put our CPM, XML feed for PPC Search Engines, link redirection (you can generate link redirection pages and get cash each time someone else clicks your link).
Their rate for US traffic is right now $3.13 for 1000 unique visits and this rate is still growing. On their website you can find whole CPM table with all countries that are paid.
You get paid on request after you reach $5 and payment is sent via paypal right now.
VOTING FOR TrafficRevenue affiliate program.
Please cast your vote for TrafficRevenue between best or worst.
BEST Pay Per Click with high CPM rates
 Monetize adult traffic or movie sites