Pay Per Impression Programs

Print: Text Link Ads

This is the review page for Text Link Ads affiliate program.
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Sell Links with Text Link Ads
Text Link Ads
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Text Link Ads review
Rating 5.5
Votes 14
11 th Mar 2007
TLA is well know company paying webmasters for a long time. I cant put this in correct category because it is unique system.
Text Link Ads will make you money by selling links on your website. If you have high PR website and you have there space for outgoing links than you can give that space to Text Link Ads and they will sell links in that spot. You will get paid by paypal. I sold already 4 links on shopping site in 21 days each around $10 and have 4 more spots so I will be getting $80 per month for having 8 extra links on PR5 site. Can you imagine to have 10 websites like this and put there 15 links? You would be making $1500/mont. That is good income!!!

If you are looking for cheap advertising and effective advertising method which will bring you targeted visitors and increase your SERP rankings and also PR than Text Link Ads is great.

You can right now use this link and you have chance to recieve $100 in free advertising... You need to spend $125. So for $25 you get quite a lot of exposure. I have tryed this and it works great. Follow instructions and you will be in WIN-WIN situation.


Recommend it! 
Category: | Pay Per Click | Pay Per Impression |
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REVIEWS AND COMMENTS ON Text Link Ads program.
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Oggie Mandayag
Rating: 10
Hello,Intellilinks now has an affiliate program for you to MAKE MORE MONEYIntellilinks recently rolled out their affiliate program and there are already THOUSANDS of publishers making money by simply referring advertisers and publishers to Intellilinks.Already a Publisher with Intellilinks Simply visit https:www.intellilinks.comaffiliates to get your custom affiliate code and banners.Not a registered Publisher with IntellilinksIf you havent already registered as a publisher with Intellilinks, simply sign up at http:www.intellilinks.compublishers. Once youre a registered publisher, youll have access to your custom affiliate URL and affiliate banners. You can also submit sites of your own to sell links on directly and immediately start earning additional revenueTheres no risk or cost to you You simply place the Intellilinks affiliate banners of your choice on your site and when anyone buys links at Intellilinks that came from your site, youll earn 15 of anything they spend. They also pay you for referring publishers If you refer a publisher and they sell links on their sites, youll earn 15 of whatever they earnIt doesnt get much easier than thatAgain, if youre not already a publisher with Intellilinks, sign up at http:www.intellilinks.compublishers and grab your affiliate banners and start earning money todayThank you,Intellilinks
Posted: August/21/2011

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