Pay Per Impression Programs

Print: BlueAdvertise

This is the review page for BlueAdvertise affiliate program.
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Sell Links with Text Link Ads
This company doesn't pay now
Rating 5.33
Votes 15
6 th Oct 2007
MANY forums list this site as SCAM and no paying. I have also noticed that my account was few times deleted without notice and no support response. SO BE AWARE AND DO NOT USE IT.

BlueAdvertise helps its publishers (partners) attain strong revenue streams from their websites by granting the publisher unique access to the cpc and combined markets (cost per click, impression, action). BlueAdvertise is serving combined CPM, CPC and CPA ads. Unlike other networks BlueAdvertise provides 100% fill rate, this means you will get paid for each and every impression from all traffic. Publisher can use limited number of Ads units on some page.Only three(2) ad units per one page is allowed from combined ads (banner with cpm+cpc+cpa ads), one from extra cpa/cpl banner ads and one popunder ad, and only one ad unit per one format (etc. publisher can place to page one 468x60 and/or one 728x90 .....) BlueAdvertise offer payment to PayPal or E-Gold account. You will get paid on NET30 day basis or earlier for the last period month\'s earnings (period month\'s) , after the month when is created withdraw request. The minimum balance for payment is 30 $USD.


Recommend it! 
Category: | Pay Per Click | Pay Per Impression |
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